Who We Are?

The vision of ISHAAZI FARM LODGE is to be East Africa’s premier “modetrad” destination for cultural and domestic conservation tourism centred around the long horned Ankole cow

Our Mission

We are people who provide a hybrid of an international four star resort hospitality to our guests along with an up to scale Ankole traditional farm. Stocked with 80 genuine Ankole Long Horn Cattle, this allows our guests to immerse themselves in a days long authentic learning and memorable traditional Kinyankole life and living experiences whenever they visit.

To continuously meet our political, ecological, community and economic responsibilities, we gear our superior traditional competencies and scale, customer responsiveness and creativity to appropriate tourism, culture and conservation industry technology. By providing a safe, shared and rewarding environment, we motivate our people whose thoughts, words and actions are guided by the values of team work, simplicity, creativity and reliability as we engage our stakeholders at work and life.”


Our fore father and founders’ idea consisted of the creation of a modern country home grouped with a traditional farm in tranquil parts of Western Uganda. Ordinary household visitors then realized that this curio transformed them. They dined and slept well and at the same time learnt about the intricate relationships built with animals and learnt more about traditional living and stayed longer.  The founders’ entrepreneurial spirit then launched an exclusive product for people who enjoy open air tourism with as near a 4/5 star service as possible. The lodge was launched mid year in 2021 as an exclusive holiday cultural tourism destination.  It has grown into the “modetrad” experience where modern living is embroidered with Ankole traditional lifestyle and heritage. 

(ModeTrad is a modern concept or idea where you find modern & traditional experiences co-existing harmoniously)

The “Modetrad” experience. We always innovate focusing our activities on the customer, who is our greatest stakeholder who defines the new trends in the industry leading to the “modetrad” experience. “Modetrad” is coinage uniting the words MODERN and TRADITIONAL, a style of cultural experience based on the amenities and services borrowed from high-quality hospitality.


The Ishaazi Farm Lodge is the only destination that offers the Ankole cultural and conservation experience on its expected human geographical scale. With 80 genuine Ankole long horn cattle on several acres of pristine savannah grassland, no other destination in the region matches this experience.

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